Glades are open, rocky, barren areas with shallow soils that support unique communities of drought-adapted forbs, warm-season grasses, and a specialized fauna. Glades are most often located on western or southern exposures or on the high summits of ridges, knobs, domes, or escarpments where soils are thin and moisture conditions favor drought-tolerant species. They can also occur in low basins where edaphic conditions foster their development. Lichens and mosses occur on exposed rock surfaces, especially on sandstone, chert, and granite. Glades in our region can be small (less than .040 ha) to large (607 ha) and typically occur as openings within landscapes primarily dominated by woodlands or forests.
The CHJV co-led a glades assessment of the Central Hardwoods Region describing the classification, description, and distribution of glades; range of natural variability, including historic descriptions for ecological units; disturbance processes and regimes; current condition, threats, and stressors; glade-affiliated species of conservation concern; population and ecosystem viability; and research, monitoring, and references. (see CHJV glades assessment, appendices 5 and appendices 6). Glades were mapped across Arkansas and Missouri, and the map and shapefiles, respectively, can be downloaded here:
Examples of glade restoration within the BCR include: